Time Is Your Most Valuable Commodity

A successful midlife transition can give you several extra years filled with a fulfilling relationship with yourself and the highest quality of life.

Individual guidance through midlife transition.

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Materials and Resources Related to Midlife
Online Courses

Personal Coaching

Expand your awareness, approach and knowledge.

Transform Your Life

Empowering midlifers to embrace change and enhance their quality of life through coaching.

Personalized Coaching Sessions

What You Can Expect from My Coaching Approach

I am confident that transparency is the blueprint for good coaching, just as it applies to any relationship. Therefore, I am most happy to share with you the main principles that I believe in and which are an integral part of the work I do with my clients.

Full attention is a value that is often missing in our lives. People are busy and overwhelmed with their own lives, trying to keep all the balls in the air at once. Once you book a session, I am all yours—with my attention, support, analysis, and experience. My purpose and commitment is to create a safe space where you are fully heard and valued, just as you are here and now. To emphasize that, I keep the ending time of my session reasonably open—it guarantees that we can process everything with full attention.

Acceptance is another value that we seldom experience enough in our lives. People have their expectations, preferences, rigid views, and long-formed social patterns with us. Most of the time, people are still occupied with something that serves their own interests rather than fully accepting the other person. My deep wish is to create a space where you feel fully accepted as you are. I have no personal expectations of you, and I am fully devoted to empowering you and addressing the questions that matter to you.

Credibility is what makes coaching effective. The mental toolkit I use includes more than a hundred proven methods, collected, polished, and structured through years of experience. I have drawn inspiration from tens of the world’s top authors, books, and materials on the subject of midlife, helping me gather crème de la crème (the best insights) and incorporate them into my methodology and online courses. The methods can be used flexibly, according to your current life situation and needs.

Absolute Confidentiality is non-negotiable. Without your full, transparent permission, not even the tiniest bit of information will reach others. Everything will remain safeguarded in the mental space we create over time. That is my promise and a fundamental professional requirement.

Long-Term Support is often the choice of decisive clients who wish to achieve lasting results. This is a great option for going through a guided, step-by-step identity shift in midlife. Midlife is a time when core values and beliefs, formed many years or decades ago, are challenged and transformed—this is why midlife transition cannot be rushed. Of course, there are people who just need a few sessions to gain insight or have specific discussions to recalibrate, which can be a great option too.

Honesty is the best foundation for broad and integrated change. Only through honesty and acceptance is it possible to connect deep-rooted causes of issues to meaningful solutions that engage the whole personality. Dishonesty or “covering up” suppresses and fragments the psyche, preventing a congruent and fulfilling relationship with the self. This does not mean that everything has to be revealed—not at all. In my sessions, you are in absolute control of how much you feel and wish to share. Giving you the space you need is, for me, one of the most fundamental aspects of coaching.

Everyone goes through a midlife transition. Guidance in this phase is not a luxury but a wise decision, and in my opinion, it deserves to be a human right.

If you have made a decision to seek guidance, or if you are still unsure and would like to explore matters a bit further together, do not hesitate to contact me.

Contact Me

Reach out for coaching inquiries or support in your midlife identity shift journey today.